Baby Rimes

November 19, 2007

Fall Roundup

Category: Pictures, Playtime – Mommy Rimes – 8:41 am

This weekend, while taking care of the kitchen disaster, we also managed to do some yard work. It was necessary. The grass hadn’t been mowed since sometime in August and was threatening to take over the house in a fit of jungle fever. Plus, it made it that much harder to rake leaves.


Of course, all those leaves meant that the mower wasn’t getting very far.

Back to raking first.

Miss R had a splendid time. She would diligently rake a small pile of leaves (about 4 leaves) into a small pile, then drop the rake and run like mad for Mommy’s pile of leaves. After the first few times of this and thinking, “awwww, so cute!” I came to realize what an AWFUL mess she was making of my pile!


We tried a different tactic. Help Mommy get the leaves on the tarp to drag them into the street. She loved pulling the tarp. But before we could dump it, she had to jump in the leaves again. More raking and more dragging, and they were finally at the curb.


What a lovely diversion from painting the kitchen.

Plus Miss R slept like a log, so when we did get back to the kitchen to paint, we had 2 uninterrupted hours to paint like crazy mad monkeys with paintbrushes. Only a little neater.

1 Comment »

  1. Definitely cute! :) Our leaves have only just started falling (ah, Virginia) and our lawn is so tiny that usually we never bother raking much.

    Good luck with the kitchen and Thanksgiving prep. Do you have MS Project? I could email you the plan Max made for me to make sure I get everything for Thanksgiving done in time with less stress.

    Comment by Nicole — November 19, 2007 @ 10:13 am

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