Baby Rimes

November 2, 2006


Category: Adventures in Parenting, PARTY! – Mommy Rimes – 12:54 pm

Let me start by saying that this story would be much better with pictures. That being said, you can send all hate mail to Daddy Rimes.

All Hallow’s Eve was mostly uneventful for our little Yoda (Can’t you just picture her in her cute little homemade knit Yoda hat?) While she didn’t go door to door grabbing candy, she did help Mommy and Daddy hand it out to other little witches and gobblins (Here’s where another absolutely adorable picture should be). She was so excited about handing out candy, that she would hold one in her hand, stretched out, peeking out of the doorway, practically using the force to will another little person into existance so she could drop said piece of candy into their bag. She did a marvelous job, only pausing in her duties when a very large child in a mask came to the door. Then she stood with the strangest look trying to figure out exactly what this strange creature was doing at her door trying to get her candy. (Wouldn’t another picture just be wonderful?) She didn’t cry once, except when the candy ran out.

What a wonderful child we have.

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