Baby Rimes

July 11, 2007

it’s all greek

Category: Adventures in Parenting – Mommy Rimes – 8:36 pm

there’s this new Greek restaurant two doors down from where Daddy works in the summer.  Daddy has discovered this little place and eats there quite regularly.  So it was only inevitable that he would take Baby R in there on one occasion to check out the afternoon snack options.

And there, behind the glass, was some very lovely pistachio baklava.  They tried it.  They LOVED it.  So now, any time we walk past the greek restaurant, we hear a very loud and very pronounced, “Bak-ah-ah?” And how could you resist such a sweet sounding request?

That kid has eaten more “bak-ah-ah” in the last week, than I’ve eaten in 10 years.  Thank goodness she has the metabolism of a 2 year old.

1 Comment »

  1. Oh yum! Sounds like she’s becoming quite the food connoisseur!

    Comment by Nicole — July 12, 2007 @ 7:56 am

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