Baby Rimes

October 15, 2007

Eco Post

Category: not baby – Mommy Rimes – 12:16 pm

So I heard through the grapevine that today is officially Blog Action Day.
While I am not normally one to follow the crowd of crazy days that are sometimes made up, I thought this one might be kind of interesting.

The idea is to talk about the environment and bring it to the attention of your readers.  Now seeing as I have a total of 5 people reading this, I’m sure you already know about some of the things we do here in Rimestimes land.

Our first major undertaking has been the recycling.  St. Joe is lucky to have a curbside recycling program that we take full advantage of.  In fact, we had to call the city to have a second bin dropped off for us, since we have SO much to recycle.

Our second big thing is the grocery list.  We shop with reusable canvas bags (there’s a great site here that is offering a free pattern) that we have gathered on our many trips and educational outtings.  We also have cut back on our pre-packaged food items.  Not only are we saving packaging, we’re also eating healthier-which I’ve noticed in the last couple of days since none of my pants fit (in a good way!).  And we also try to eat local as much as we can in the summer with the farmer’s market.  That way we save on the gas and shipping of the bananas from Costa Rica and frozen fish sticks from who knows where.

One other thing I do, is to make recycled art projects.  Recently, it has been costume central at our house, and just about everything going into a costume has been rediscovered either in the basement, a closet, or the attic.  I promise to post pictures of our creations really soon.  I do the same at school where many of the art projects require students to reuse paper towel tubes, cardboard boxes, and other such things. Being an art teacher is really tough on your eco-friendliness and there’s many a day when I look at my classroom recycle bin and see how full it is of kids’ unwanted art projects.  But at least they are recycling them and not throwing them into the garbage.

Hopefully, Daddy Rimes and I will have a daughter who grows up to be eco-conscious and will take better care of her planet than those in the past.


  1. Good for you! Go recycling! Here’s an idea for your classroom that involves recycling:

    Maybe if you could work with the science teacher to see if the kids are doing anything about fish sometime this year and if you had them make a whole bunch you could donate a school of fish to the children’s ward at the hospital or an art installment for the school board office.

    Comment by Nicole — October 17, 2007 @ 7:44 am

  2. How about fake fish on sticks in old leaky aquariums that are no longer useable? I like the idea of bending wire to shape and then covering with fabric… felt or similar with no ravel… or old socks stuffed into a fish, snail, or similar sea creature shape. stuff with fabric scraps.

    Take photos of art projects for children to take home. easier to store. Although I loved papering the wall of a closet with school art projects myself. : )

    Comment by Grand Mommu aka Goat Goat Grandma — November 9, 2007 @ 4:11 pm

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