Baby Rimes

August 15, 2006

california dreamin’

Category: PARTY!, Playtime – Mommy Rimes – 8:32 pm

While Daddy was off galavanting in California, Mommy and Baby spent a LOOOOONG weekend together, alone.  While Daddy was flying to Atlanta by way of Chattanooga to avoid the hail and thunderstorms, Baby and Mommy were peeling wallpaper and eating blueberry crumble.  When Daddy was touring Napa and it’s independant bookstores, Mommy and Baby were at the Farmer’s Market buying sunflowers and black-eyed susans, while eating blueberries.  When Daddy was at Jelly Belly buying 8 pounds of irregular Belly Flop beans, Mommy and Baby were taking a nap and dreaming about blueberry muffins. And when Daddy was watching his friend Drew get married and dancing and eating really good food, Mommy and Baby were eating blueberry pie with ice cream with the grandparents.

Needless to say, Daddy had a great weekend, despite spending more time in airports and on the plane than in California. And, Mommy and Baby had a very blue weekend together waiting for Daddy to come back home and share some of the jelly beans.

Oh! and a special thanks to Nicole for the cutest baby hat ever!  Thanks for thinking of us!

1 Comment »

  1. I’m glad you like it! I hope it fits for a little while… babies grow up so quickly!

    Comment by Nicole — August 16, 2006 @ 8:29 am

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