Baby Rimes

January 30, 2007


Category: Uncategorized – Mommy Rimes – 6:40 pm

What’s the latest at Camp Rimes?  The terrible twos.  Yup, I know, she’s only 18 months (will be on the 1st, anyway).  She is independent, opinionated, and very aggressive.

Her latest trick is to bite Mommy.  Whenever Mommy turns around to do something on her own (like stir the macaroni or go to the bathroom) little miss decides she is not getting nearly the attention due to her.  She grabs a hold  of one of my legs, or a sleeve, or whatever she can grab and then takes a big ol’ bit out of Mommy’s nice, soft flesh.  At first, I was quite distraught over this development. What an awful Mommy I was for allowing my child to even get to this stage. Then, I realized, wait, she’s not that unique, other moms must be going through this as well.

Sure enough, a few clicks on the internet and there’s my answer.  Yep, everyone goes through some biting, kicking, pushing, yelling, and otherwise being a terrible two.

So, we have started ignoring her when she bites us.  She gets a time out where Mommy and Daddy ignore her and pay no attention whatsoever to her.  It seems to be making no difference to her at all.  But we’ll keep up with it and hopefully this biting thing will be done soon.

We’ve also been showing her “nice touches” on her favorite kitty.  She likes to pet Kitty, so it seems to slow her down at least.  She still tries to grab on to my arm like a rottweiller,  but at least it buys me another 5 minutes of stirring the mac and cheese.

Until the time when she becomes a serene three year old,  we will just start referring to her as our little vampire.

1 Comment »

  1. The terrible two’s have come early? That’s no fun! I hope it ends early too.

    Comment by Nicole — January 31, 2007 @ 11:18 am

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