Baby Rimes

March 27, 2007

center of the universe

Category: Adventures in Parenting – Mommy Rimes – 2:02 pm

I realized the other day that this little person of mine has become the center of the universe for me.  Before her, I was the typical artist type person.  I would start working on a project before dinner, eat a sandwich when I was hungry, then go back to my art.  I could do this until fairly late in the evening.  Then, early the next morning (ok, not too early) I would get right back into it.  I could put out several projects a week if I was truly inspired.

But now, OOOOooooOOOoh no!  I’m lucky if I get one project done a MONTH.  And even then, most are left unfinished or are a sorry excuse for a true art project.  How could that be? you ask, Mommy Rimes, you are an art teacher, and you are always sewing up something interesting.  Well, let me tell you, I’ve been working on knitting a pair of socks since November.  Know how far I’ve gotten?  I’ve managed to get one sock ALMOST done, as of today.  I still have to knit the toe part.  Yup, 5 months to make ONE SOCK.  If I lived a hundred years ago, my family would have some pretty cold toes.

But, what about your quilts? you ask, that’s what you really dig.  I have two completely unfinished quilts sitting next to my sewing machine right now, and one that is all bagged up still from moving over the summer.  I finally had to give in and do a simple charm square quilt just to get the creativity out of my system.  Have I bound it yet? Nope, it’s still sitting there. 

Ahh, but what I lack in art time, I make up for in toddler time.  She is the bright and shining sun in my day, and her daddy and I just rotate around her.  And one day, she will turn into a teenager and disappear from the heavens to a new solar system with new planets/friends, so I’ll enjoy it while it lasts.  When that day happens, you better watch out art world.  Because that’s the day I will get back into this art business.

1 Comment »

  1. Sounds great… :) I think I’ll miss my knitting when the time comes but the joys will make up for it. Some of my mommy bloggers keep their knitting projects in the car so that when baby falls asleep they can knit a row or two before going into the store, house, etc.

    Comment by Nicole — March 28, 2007 @ 9:58 am

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